Sharing the antics of three busy girls and their crazy Mom who feels like she lives in her van.....
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Jesse the Golden Retriever
Monday, December 28, 2009
Miss Priss's Girls Night
Christmas 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Jerry joins Ben
I promise I will do a Christmas post soon with pictures.
Sarah we got your Christmas card with email. I will email you soon looking forward to seeing you in 2o10!!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Hamster Heaven.....
That brings our pet total down to 10...Not that I am in a hurry or anything...
Hope your having a great weekend!!!!!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
A Story....
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A Bad Combination..........
This afternoon Miss Priss walked outside to see if one of our bunnies (the one that always manages to find a way out of our yard no matters how much chicken wire we put under the fence) had returned home. (luckily, she always comes home) Instead of our sweet furry rabbit this Hawk is what she found sitting on our fence. Luckily, he had not had our bunny for dinner (we found her later hiding out underneath Soccer Girl's car. (Yes, I know such a safe place for a bunny right?)
We quickly caught her and then brought both of our sweet bunnies into our screen porch for protection. While the bunnies have made a safe little burrow under our shed it makes me nervous to think that this Hawk might still catch them. So while he was beautiful and seemed to like to have his picture taken. I hope he moves on soon so we can put our bunnies back into the back yard that they so love........
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving Weekend.......
Thanksgiving was a wonderful day spent with family. Unfortunately, I didn't get that many pictures. We did get our annual "Englishman and I in front of our kitchen" our completed kitchen I might add. Yay!!! I also got a picture of Miss Priss in front of our fire pit that we recently bought. (The girls have been enjoying it like crazy, roasting marshmallows and making smores.) We have been having a wonderful week and weekend. Our weather has been gorgeous. We are heading to a B-day party today in the park for our neighbor boy. Should be a great day. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoys the rest of the weekend.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A Rare Occurrence
November 18, 2009 @ 8:06 PM
There is NO, let me repeat that NO dirty laundry in our house. No over flowing baskets. No dirty socks hidden behind a door. No balled up softball uniforms shoved under the bed. As of this moment all the laundry is DONE, DONE, DONE. For about 15 more minutes because then my daughters will be getting in the shower. Quick let me finish this post so I can enjoy 15 minutes of NO LAUNDRY waiting to be washed by ME!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Random Thoughts
2. Watched Soccer Girls soccer game last night in the pouring rain and was quickly reminded why I was never into sports as a teenager.... LOL
3. I am totally in love with my niece Hannah. She is at the utterly adorable age and the best part is she really loves me. I know this because my sister tells me all she talks about is "Suzie, Suzie, Suzie" (oh yes I rock) how cute is that.....
4. Alex (the little boy I babysit) told me today that I make the "best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches ever" It so made my day because you know it's all about the little things....
5. I recently bought a Bissel Steam Mop and I love it. It makes cleaning my ceramic tile floors so easy. This is really good because I used to let my floors go WAY to long in between cleanings. Not anymore this mop almost makes it fun, almost....
6. I only have 7 more work days until I get a week off. I love babysitting for school teachers.
7. Freddie the Fall Festival fish is doing great. He is the funniest goldfish I have ever seen. He has the cutest personality. Mighty Mouth can put her finger in the bowl and he comes up and kisses
8. I love the new show V. I remember 20 years ago when it came out it was one of my favorite shows and now it's back. I wish they would re-make Love Boat and Fantasy Island.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Whew is it Monday already?
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Pictures.....
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween.....
Happy Halloween, I hope everyone has a great time. We have been very busy here since early this morning getting ready for our party. I took the redneck pool down this week and have it stored for the winter. (yeah right we don't exactly have winter in Florida but we will not be swimming until about May because we Floridians don't like our water cold) So needless to say it was a mess back there we had to wipe the screens down and the patio floor where it had gotten a little algae and very dusty from the pool. But it looks great out there now for the get together. Makes me laugh because I know that northerners in the spring get there back yards and porches cleaned up to enjoy the summer months. We Florida families clean up our back yards and porches to enjoy the winter months.
I made these adorable pumpkin cakes for the party today and I am so proud of them. Like I have shared before I am not very creative at all so when I pull something off I just have to brag. I think they turned out so cute. You just make a bundt cake then put an ice cream cone in the middle up side down. (yes, so easy I could do it.....LOL) I will post pictures later this week of the girls in their costumes and of the party. Have a great Halloween!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Pumpkin Festival
Friday, October 16, 2009
Fall Festival
Every year our local Catholic church holds a Fall Festival and every year my good friend and I take our kids. (and a couple extras)They have a wrist band night where you ride all the rides for one price. Wrist band night always coincides with a teachers planning day within the public schools so that the kids will not have school the next day. My girls look forward to this every year. Every once in awhile we will get a cold front passing through the week of the festival and we get to pretend that we live in a climate where there really is fall in October. Unfortunately, this year it was so HOT, we have had record highs this week. I don't know why I bothered to do my hair and make up (well really I do, it's because like all other town events I run into tons of people I know) but of course my makeup melted off and my hair was stuck to my head in a matter of minutes in the 100 percent humidity. On the way out this nice
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Just a few mentionables.....
Took Mighty Mouth to the Otolaryngologist (I love typing and using that word it makes me feel so smart, yes I can spell it without looking lol ) He said that her ear looked BEAUTIFUL his words exactly although probably not capitalized. I can finally say the saga of the left ear is over!!!!!
Mighty Mouth and Miss Priss had their first softball game for fall ball and they won 9 to 4. Mighty Mouth pitched all four innings. Miss Priss hit every time up to bat. Mighty Mouth struck out a couple times but when it really counted she nailed it... It was funny to because she had a full count at the time and I was really hoping for a ball so she could at least take a base. Silly Mom I am, it was a lesson on having faith!!!!
We had Miss Priss's birthday party this past Saturday; six pre teens for a Scary Movie, Popcorn, Pizza, Candy, Cake and a photo frame craft. It was Silly, Giggly, Wiggly, and a whole lot of fun...
Taking Soccer girl to the Dr. today for a probable UTI. Bummer, it's always something right??
Getting ready for Halloween at the end of the month. My sister is hosting a pumpkin Carving Party and we will have everyone here on Halloween for trick or treating....Mighty Mouth is going to be a lady bug her costume is as cute as a button. Not sure what Miss Priss will be yet.....
Still waiting for some cooler weather we are suppose to have record highs this week. Come one Northern friends share some of your cool weather.......
Have a great week!!!!!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Movies in the Park
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Blogaversary is that a word???
P.S Happy 23rd Birthday Carla...We love you!!!!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
18 Years Today.....
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Miss Priss has a Birthday
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Double Digits
Mighty Mouth turns 10 today. September 1 is her day. It is also her Aunt Jeanette's birthday. Happy Birthday Jeanette!!! It is so hard for me to believe that she is 10 already. When I think of ten years past it seems so long ago, or when I think of ten years from now it seems so far away. When I look at her and how big she is now and how grown up I know she looks like a ten year old. In fact she is very tall for her age so she probably looks older than a ten year old. But what is so sad and mostly because she is my baby (although I felt it with each of my girls but so much stronger now with her) is this: there are so many things that I as a Mom have and will experience for the last time like :
1. What day will this baby be born and what will it be....
2. When will she sleep through the night....
3. When will she roll over....
4. When will she take her first steps...
5. Will she cry at her first day of preschool...
6. Kindergarten Graduation....
7. First Sleepover at a friends...
8. Learning to ride a bike and roller skate...
9. Getting to be a safety Patrol at school...
10. Making the principals list for the first time at school....
11. Her first crush on a boy....
Oh this list could go on and on of all the milestones she has crossed. And even though I know she has many more to go before she makes her way to adulthood, it is because she is my youngest that every time she reaches a milestone that her sisters have reached before her that I get a little sad mixed in with the excitement. It is very bittersweet. I am really trying to enjoy every second of this school year because this is her last year of elementary school. After this year there is no more
1. Wearing your Halloween costume to school
2. Being a safety Patrol
3. Holiday inspired art projects from school.
4. Bringing in snacks for Holiday Parties
5. Picking out Christmas presents for your teacher
6. Making Valentines for your classmates.
(and the biggest one of all)
7. No more letting Mom come have lunch with you at school with your friends.
(Because in middle school that just isn't cool)
I Love you with all my heart Mighty Mouth and I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
Sandra, we hope you have a wonderful Birthday and can't wait till next week when you and Carla are here with us!!!!!!!
Kevin, we hope you have a great day and hope to see you and Jeanette REAL soon (hint, hint)
WE LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Summer fun to a close........
Monday, August 10, 2009
Mia the Kia.....
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sweet Sixteen!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Not sure how clear you can see this but I thought it was absolutely adorable The Englishman and I were lounging on the beach and the kids were upstairs taking a break from the sun. Soccer Girl's best friend was with us that day. (She is the one that SG went with to New York) We called the girls on the cell phone and asked them to bring us down some Pina Coladas and sandwiches. They made us delicious drinks and sandwiches and delivered them to us with a napkin they referred to as our "bill" which said :
2 sandwiches $10.00
2 Pina Coladas $15.00
Having three four daughters to wait on you: PRICELESS...
On the back it said: From the kitchen of and the girls names....
Isn't that just about the cutest and sweetest thing??