This afternoon Miss Priss walked outside to see if one of our bunnies (the one that always manages to find a way out of our yard no matters how much chicken wire we put under the fence) had returned home. (luckily, she always comes home) Instead of our sweet furry rabbit this Hawk is what she found sitting on our fence. Luckily, he had not had our bunny for dinner (we found her later hiding out underneath Soccer Girl's car. (Yes, I know such a safe place for a bunny right?)
We quickly caught her and then brought both of our sweet bunnies into our screen porch for protection. While the bunnies have made a safe little burrow under our shed it makes me nervous to think that this Hawk might still catch them. So while he was beautiful and seemed to like to have his picture taken. I hope he moves on soon so we can put our bunnies back into the back yard that they so love........