Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dudley the Hunter

At 5:00 am this morning I awoke to crying coming from Miss Priss's room. I went into her room and discovered that Dudley our cat had somehow managed to open up the Hamster cage. The hamsters not realizing the danger escaped. (I can never say that word or write it without my mind instantly going to Finding Nemo and Ellen Degeneres' voice saying "ES COP AY") Let me stop here with the story and explain why the Hamsters do not realize that cat's are dangerous. The Hamsters love the Dudley. Whenever he is at their cage staring longlingly through the plastic haze they come out to say Hello. Not only do they say Hello but they climb up the bars and stick their paws out in an attempt to shake Dudley's hand. No seriously I think what they are doing is teasing him. "Ha Ha big cat you can't get us" as he paces the length of the cage back and forth trying to figure out how to get to them. Well, this morning he figured out that if he batted at one of the tunnels long enough it would come loose from the cage thus allowing the Hamsters to make their getaway. How they ever managed to get out without Dudley quickly eating them for breakfast is still beyond me. This commotion quickly woke Miss Priss and she found Jerry right away. The Hamster's names are Ben and Jerry. Ben on the other hand proved to be more of an explorer. I was really hoping we were not to late. As we continued to search without any luck Soccer girl had a great idea. "Why don't we use Dudley to find Ben" she said. While I knew this was risky I also knew it would probably work. So we allowed Dudley into the room. (He was right outside the door pounding furiously with his paw) I kid you not it took only 45 seconds and he found Ben under the TV stand. Luckily, Dudley coudn't fit under the TV stand or we might of had a totally different ending. Miss Priss quickly caught Ben and returned him to his cage. We reinforced the area the loosened tunnel. I am happy to report that Ben and Jerry are safe for now..........

1 comment:

Momtopiglets said...

I just finished reading your blogs to this point. It's so funny because you write just like you talk! The whole time I was reading I felt like I was standing in a room with you listening to you tell the story. I'm very impressed and my life feels all the more dull right now! Keep up the great work, I look forward to new posts!