Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The right people for the job.....

Dear Linda, (Mammogram Technician)

Thank you for being so good at your job. I had my first mammogram last week and was so surprised by how easy it was. I was in and out in 15 minutes flat. I was also surprised by how painless it was. ( I had heard horror stories) To be honest after I left the center I never even gave it a second thought. I do my monthly self exams and thankfully have never felt anything unusual. So you see I never expected to hear anything back. Then two days later my GYN office called me and said I needed a re screen. Not only did they have to have more pictures done, I had to go to a different facility that had a more advanced machine. I asked the nurse "should I be concerned?" She nicely said that "call backs were common with baselines and it was probably nothing." Does she not know that I am a worry wart by nature? I guess she had no way of knowing that I would immediately go to my best friend in these kinds of situations THE INTERNET and scare the living daylights out of myself. I immediately made an appointment with the other facility and went into full scale panic until yesterday at 2pm. That was when you came out and introduced yourself and took me back. You were so reassuring as you explained the equipment to me and showed me the films and the spot on the films that had been the reason for concern and need for more scans. You explained that because I was young (I loved hearing that, I have been feeling so old lately) my breast tissue was still a little dense and while it was not unusual for one breast to be more dense than the other it raises flags so they just have to be sure. You so sweetly apologized for having to squash me so hard (not that I cared at that point you could have done whatever you wanted to me just so you got a good picture) (this experience did live up to the horror stories I had heard regarding pain, but hey once you have been through child birth NOTHING compares) Then before you left the room to talk to the radiologist you said "I am not a Dr but I really think it is normal tissue, I will have an answer for you in 10 minutes" Ten minutes later, just like you said, you came back and told me that it was all fine and that you would see me next year. I could of kissed you!!!! But considering you just saw me naked from the waist up I was kind of embarrassed. LOL It is so nice when you meet someone who is perfect for their job. Of course, I believe that you would be perfect in any Job because you are one of those treasured people who are understanding, sensitive, and compassionate towards others. Thank you Linda for being you....


1 comment:

elizabeth said...

I am a HUGE worry wart too. I am so glad that it came back nothing! That's always good news!