Thursday, October 23, 2008

I told you so......

Yesterday afternoon I went out to the mailbox to get the mail and was completely shocked when I opened our water bill. Our bill usually runs about $115.oo, the bill this month is $233.00. My first thought was that it was a miss read by the meter reader. I immediately called the water company and read the numbers to the customer service rep. She informed me that no, according to her records we had used another significant amount of water since the 16th and we definitely had a leak. Don't you hate that? You start to get this sinking feeling in your stomach or I did anyway. I started thinking about if we couldn't find it and we had this huge leak under the house. Dollar signs start popping in my head as I envision our foundation having to be torn up. (yeah, when my imagination goes, it really goes). Then I remembered the last time we had a leak, it was along our fence line (about two years ago). Apparently, the piping bringing water into our house runs along the same line as our fence. What happened last time is that when we would have strong winds (famous in Florida with our storms every evening in the summer) the post would wiggle a little and shift the dirt which then loosens the joints of the pipes underneath until they come loose or break off completely. I then thought back to a Sunday afternoon about a month ago when I noticed one of our posts leaning a bit. I said to my beloved Englishman "that post is leaning again, you don't think we have another leak under there do you?" To which he replied "no it is fine that post is just old" I then added "well maybe you should check it, just in case" To which he replied "Suzie it's fine". "Okay, whatever you say". So yesterday afternoon my first place to look for a leak was that post. I looked down and low and behold there was a puddle of water at the base of the post. I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!! I love it when I am right but man am I sorry it cost us $115 dollars this time. Of course it may be more, I just can't wait to get the bill next month NOT ................

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