Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We survived the stomach bug...

Wow, I feel good. You don't know how good you feel until you have recently felt bad. Did that make sense? Our family just had a bout with a stomach bug. We all got it, we were even generous and shared with our friends. Soccer Girl and Miss Priss got it Saturday night and Sunday. The Englishman, Mighty Mouth and I got it Monday night and Tuesday. It totally sucked. I have new respect for The Englishman he actually went to work yesterday in the heat. I don't know how he did it. I called him around 11:00 from bed (which I did not get up out of until 6pm last evening) to see if he was feeling better. He said absolutely not. I said "Honey you the man I don't know how you are doing it" He responded "yeah I'm the man alright the DUMBEST man on the planet for trying to work today" He came home last night jumped into the shower and went straight to bed. I didn't hear a peep out of him until 6:00 this morning. I am happy to report he is better today too. One funny thing from the experience. Monday night into Tuesday morning every time Mighty Mouth had "conversations with the porcelain God" (I am trying to put that in a nice way) she would come and tell us that she did. I thought it was cute that she had to tell us. I don't know if she wanted reassurance that she would be OK or if she just wanted to prove that she was really sick for fear I would make her go to school the next day. But every hour she would come into our room to give us the report. To which I would say, "you made it in the toilet right?" Every time she would reply "yes Mommy I did" (Thank God) Well, I guess I will end this post now in case I really grossed you out.......

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